Monday, November 14, 2011


                                                                                                                         NONOC CAVE
It is amazing that there is one natural beauty in our town of Borbon that is all over the world wide web and printed in some tourist brochures somewhere that might attract more tourists to come to our town, yet, I am not sure if many Borbonanons even know about it. So, at the TAGA-BORBON Online Community Discussion Board in Friendster, I asked my fellow TAGA-BORBON members if they know the place and if so, can they describe it in more detail.
Luckily, some of our TAGA-BORBON members and officers were adventurous enough and took the time to visit the mysterious Nonoc Cave in Cadaruhan last week of July 2008. Led by Babes who happens to be vacationing at home at that time and Alma, our Local Execom President, the group including Joshua, Harry and many more, climbed up the hills of Cadaruhan and conquered Nonoc cave inspite of the blistering sun and fear of the unknown.

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